Accelerate Your Career Growth with Mentorship: How Mentoring Can Help You Scale 10x Faster

Accelerate Your Career Growth with Mentorship: How Mentoring Can Help You Scale 10x Faster

Apr 26, 2023

Hello everyone!

Have you ever wondered how to accelerate your learning process and advance your career faster? If so, then you're in the right place. Today we'll talk about how mentorship can be a powerful tool to help you reach your professional goals.

First, what is mentorship? Mentorship is a learning relationship in which a more experienced person (the mentor) shares their knowledge and skills with someone who is at a lower level or less experienced (the mentee). This relationship can be an excellent way to learn from someone who has walked the path before you and can offer practical advice and useful perspectives to help you advance your career.

But how can you find a mentor? Fortunately, there are many web platforms that connect mentors and mentees in different fields and areas of expertise. Here are a platform that can be helpful to you:

ADPList: Is a great platform to start your search. It connects mentees with experienced mentors in different areas of tech, including design, development, and product management. You can browse through a variety of mentor profiles and select the one that fits your needs and interests. Adplist also offers a unique feature where you can schedule a free call with a mentor to discuss your goals and see if you're a good fit for each other.

Remember, mentorship doesn't have to be a formal or structured relationship. It can be a simple occasional meeting for coffee and discussing your professional challenges, or a more structured relationship with regular meetings to discuss goals and progress. The important thing is to find someone you can learn from and grow with in your career.

And as an extra gift for reading this far, I am going to share the links so that you can schedule a session with two of my mentors, who, if you dedicate yourself to the design of products or services, will help you to have a professional, constructive and very helpful perspective. help on your career journey.

Juan Pablo Imbrogno - Product Designer:

Having worked at industry giants such as Mercado Libre and Ripio, his advice will be invaluable to you. His insight into visual communication and team culture are invaluable. In addition to being a very kind person and willing to help.

Camila Sanmarco - Product Owner/Designer:

If your profile focuses more on product management, business vision and problem solving, without a doubt, Cami can help you accelerate your career, providing you with interesting resources and a business vision formed by your career in business administration. His good vibes stand out and also his willingness to help

In conclusion, if you're looking to accelerate your learning process and advance your career faster, consider finding a mentor. Mentorship can be a valuable tool to learn from someone who has walked the path before you and receive useful advice and new perspectives. Good luck in your mentorship search!